Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Guest Blogger Feb 2

   Thursday, February 2, Rob Guthrie is going to be blogging here, and I will be blogging on his site – Rob on Writing.  
We will be writing on the topic – Why I write.
   This is the first time I’ve done the guest blogging thing; however, Rob is a pro at it, so I know that everything will be fine. 
   My biggest concern now is the confusion that exists all across the worldwide web regarding our identities.  To compound the rapidly escalating problem, someone, and I should point out that no one knows for sure who is responsible, has photo-shopped my new avatar with Rob’s black cap.
   It’s bad enough to run through downtown Huntsville wearing MY BLACK CAP and have people come pouring out of the taverns, businesses, and churches, shouting, “Here comes Rob Guthrie.  Look, he’s getting younger, and he’s grown a beard.”
   Add to that my photo-shopped avatar that has gone viral and… well, you get the idea.  It’s very confusing for my thousands of followers and both of Rob’s.  So before we do our Guest Blog appearances, I thought I had better set the record straight once and for all.


This is Rob Guthrie, in his famous black cap – note: it’s not famous in Colorado because everyone wears one 365 days a year.

This is me, wearing my black cap, on a cold night in Huntsville.  Notice how much younger I am than Rob.  I cannot understand how anyone could confuse the two of us.

This is my new avatar – photo taken by Adrienne Wall

 This is the photo shopped version of my wonderful avatar.  By the way, I understand the FBI, aided by Clint Eastwood, is close to discovering the identity of the person who did this – their search is now centered in the Parker, Colorado area.

OK, that should resolve the Carson/Guthrie identity confusion.  Check in here Thursday, Feb 2 and discover why Rob Guthrie writes.  Then go here and find out why Bert Carson writes.


  1. They have touks in Colorado? And Alabama? Stick a fork in me...I'm done!

    1. What's a touk? I thought it was a souped up toboggan
      You are fun Texas

    2. Yay, finally somebody used the word toque! Not sure about that spelling, Jo, but happy to see it out there just the same! Bert, ask Christina about toques. It's a Canuck thing.

  2. Originally the Brotherhood of the Black Cap was supposed to be more clandestine. Then Bert decided he liked the attention of R.S. groupies, so...

    BTW, Jo: We considered it, but Brotherhood of the Black Tuque just sounded too FRENCH.

    1. What's a touk? Is that Texan for Tuque? What's a Tuque?

  3. That is so funny. Not the part about Rob's two followers - that's sad. Looking forward to tomorrow's blogs.

  4. Rob, I was thinking more in line with the two Canadian brothers from SCTV, Bob and Doug McKenzie. You could use the spelling we Murricans adopted from they way they said it, "touk". Remember 12 Days of Christmas? Hey, you...Bert...good match, eh?

  5. That's why Adrienne and I go running on our own. Don't want to get trampled by the R.S. groupies. We actually spell it toque in the land of ice and snow.

    1. I still think it's a souped up toboggan - Dewberry agrees with me

  6. David,
    Our partner, Adrienne Wall (http://www.adriennewallphotography.com) is the photographer for you - the commute will be a a rub though.

  7. Bama, I'm sure your head is big enough to wear a toboggan (the sled, not the hat)!

  8. Really enjoyed the pictures and the hats! Great fun, Bert!
