Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Class of 1960

Fifty- two years ago today, the class of 1960, Palatka Senior High School, Palatka, Florida, was thinking ahead ninety days, to our long awaited graduation day.  There were two hundred and twelve of us in the class, all anxious to be away and about the business of conquering the world.
Now there are one hundred and seventy-nine of us, as best we can count.  A few members of the class, all girls, by the way, try to keep tabs on the rest of us, but it’s a tough job.  Some of our number, like my good buddy, Jeff Eberhart, have never been accounted for. 
If we had a wall, like the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, there would be a quite a few of us listed as missing in action, along with the thirty-four that have died in action.
This New Year didn’t start very well for the Class of ’60.  Frank Falls and Jordan Matthews left us in January.  They were both eighteen, when I last saw them.  Frank was heading for dental school, and Jordan to a business career.  They left fine legacies, but they are both gone; two more eighteen year old friends, who for me, will always be eighteen years old, now on the 1960 Wall.

Frank Falls - 1960
Jordan Matthews - 1960

The year hasn’t been a loss though.  Today, February 9, 2012, one of our favorite teachers, Mrs. Sproull, is celebrating her 100th Birthday.  



And that's why I'm writing this post.  We will all be on that wall someday, but we won't all celebrate our 100th.  Mrs. Sproull is still teaching us and teaching us well.
Happy Birthday Mrs. Sproull,
You did very well by us, and we all appreciate you very much.

Bert Carson


One war and four marriages later.


  1. I hope Mrs Sproull gets to see this - I bet it would mean a great deal to her.

    1. Great idea, Gilly. I've already sent her a birthday card - Now I'll print the blog (with comments) and send it to her. Who knows, I might get an "A"

  2. I too graduated from high school in 1960. Inasmuch as I was just 17 when I graduated, I'm guessing that you may be a year older than me. Funny, you only look about 20 years older. (Sorry, I couldn't resist that)

    I don't know how many of my class are on that wall. I only know that the only ones I kept in touch with are there.

    1. Jack,
      Since we were in the same war, the difference in our appearance must equal the difference in the number of marriages - or maybe it's the difference between Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts.

  3. This is from Cay Rollo - a member of the class of '60

    Bert--You are a wonderful writer! Thanks SO much for that posting. It brought tears to my eyes. I'm filing it and will read it often. Palatka was a wonderful place to grow up back then and not all have been so blessed. God bless you for sharing your talent.
    Love, Cay Jones Rollo

  4. Congratulations, class of '60!

    Happy Birthday, Mrs. Sproul! The world needs more wonderful teachers like you! I'm sure you're partly responsible for Bert turning into the fine man he is.

    For those missing in action and all those gone too early, we light a candle and celebrate your lives.

    Bert, that flat top *snort* reminded me of a poem I wrote long ago about high school. I'll post it on my blog shortly.

    Wonderful write, my friend. How quickly the years pass.

    1. Thanks for the "snort" - If I had that much hair today and could find someone to cut a flattop I'd do it again.
      Mrs. Sproull taught Home Economics until my senior year then she taught a one semester course called Modern Family Living - I took it - got an "A" - but considering my actual Modern Family Living track record Mrs. Sproull would probably like to reevaluate that grade.

  5. Great teachers are a blessing to some many lives. If Bert, with his dislike of school, called her a grand teacher, you know she was leagues above the throngs.

  6. While doing a bit of research I ran across your blog. I'm trying to track down Tommy Wells, who I believe also graduated in 1960. Any information would be greatly appreciated...

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